Sunday, October 17, 2010


Okay, so yesterday I wanted to sleep late, but woke up around 3:30.  Today I wanted to get up early, but slept until around 8:30.  Guess I had some catching up to do on my sleep.  It seems I wake up around either 3:30, 5:30, or 8:30.  Something about that half-hour. 

McNeese played LSU for the first time yesterday.  They lost, naturally.  The score was 32-10, but the headline read, "LSU edges McNeese 32-10."  Edges??  Although McNeese scored the first touchdown, it was hardly a cliffhanger.  One of the professors at McNeese who attended LSU had a hard time deciding which team to root for, so she took two tee shirts, one from each school, cut them in half, stapled them together, and put duct tape inside to cover up the staples.  How Louisiana is that?

Well, I'm on my second cup of coffee, and I'm beginning to feel awake.  For a while there, I thought it was going to be nap time. 

Think I'll mow the yard today.  I'm thinking it may be the last time to mow this year. 

I searched for a quote to add to today's blog, but I didn't find anything that appealed to me.  So, I've decided to record some random observations.

Every time I see an ad for the latest new wonder drug, I wonder how long it will before I see an ad for a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer.  I'll be attorneys were delighted when drug companies were allowed to begin advertising.  More hype for a new drug means more consumers and a bigger lawsuit.

Speaking of attorneys, on my way home from Austin I heard an ad on the radio.  It went something like this:  "While it is illegal to drive with an open container in your car, did you know that it is legal to drink responsibly and drive?  If you are arrested for DWI, call attorney so-and-so at this number."  Really?  If you're drinking responsibly, why are you being arrested for DWI?  As I was pondering this odd commerical, I saw a billboard for a criminal attorney.  It read, "Call 713-IT WASNT ME."  I'm serious.  That was the billboard.

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