I've been up long enough for morning coffee, breakfast, and a nap. I've got a load of laundry going, and yard work and house cleaning are on the agenda for today. It's cool this morning, so it's a good time to be outside.
I had planned to post yesterday, but it was one of those days where "simple" tasks become more involved. Like hooking up a printer-scanner to my computer. I went online to download the printer driver, selected the various options, only to discover that the driver came with my operating system. All I had to do was plug it in, turn it on, connect to my computer, and wait for the driver to automatically install. Piece of cake! Except that I couldn't get the scan function to work. Back to the internet I went, and search around until I found something labeled "scanning workaround." The scanning button didn't work, but there was a way to scan. Okay, I was set. Except some of the pages kept jamming, and I'd have to begin scanning all over again. And of course, since I had to scan to a picture file instead of a word document, it took a long to time load the files when I emailed them.
By the time I finished, it was time for lunch before going to pick up my meds. It was my scheduled day. One can't just call in to get a prescription refilled; you have to get the appointment desk to schedule a day for you to pick them up. Fortunately, they are not strict on making you wait until the last day of your prescription to get a refill, but you have to go on the day you are scheduled. It took me about six months to get clued in on that.
Anyway, before leaving, I wrote down the size for my A/C filter, and measured the fluroescent lights above my kitchen sink so I could be sure of getting the correct sizes. I get to the store, and all the light bulbs of the correct size look too fat. There were some that looked like the correct diameter, but they were too short. I was in a hurry when I measured. Did I get the length wrong? I stood in the store, debating. Fortunately, I got the correct size. The new bulbs were fatter than the old, but the connectors were the same, and they fit just fine. Except that it's awkward fitting them into the fixture above the sink, and I didn't seat one of them properly. The lights put on a show, with light waves flickering back and forth, up one bulb and back down the other. Back up on the ladder to re-install.
It was just one of those days. Everything was a production. Nothing dramatic like crashing through my deck, just little things that ate up my day. By the time I had prepared and eaten dinner, I was done. I thought about writing before I went to bed, but all I could think about was sleep.
Okay, now my mouse is stuck in the middle of my screen. This program automatically saves every minute, so I won't lose anything I've written, but I think I may have to reboot in order to publish. Here we go again!
Okay, I've rebooted and am back in business.
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